Love and Marriage Mrs Enginerd Poetry

Petit Regret

I’m sorry for thinking that my love could save you, For not seeing the truth and its lies… For believing that in time you’d learn to love me too… I should’ve known better.

Adulting F@%k Cancer Love and Marriage Mrs Enginerd


I want the world to stop. To remain as she last saw it. To hover, unchanged, between what was and what could have been. I need back all those minutes with her, To enjoy the booming laughter; The lovely smile that always grew wider and brighter when I entered the room. A part of me […]

Mrs Enginerd Poetry Project Zach

Canine Commands, A Poem

Sit Paw Lay down Up Touch Find it! Outside? Fetch! Leave it!! Come here. You’re okay. Your okay! Pee and poo, Good boy! (or girl!) Inside? Towel? Treats!! Heel! Hop up. Look at me. Wait. Stay. Quiet! Good job! Up! Down! Off!! Cuddles? Stretch! Upstairs? Downstairs? Food! Roll over, Play dead, Don’t die…

Adulting Mrs Enginerd Poetry

Cheers to 2020!

Here’s to the earthquakes, The raging fires, The passionate Earth letting us know it’s in desperate need of change. Here’s to the politics, The bad decisions of those elected to lead without knowing how to. Here’s to the civil wars, The unrest of social justice, To the plight of the oppressed and misunderstood. May we […]

Mrs Enginerd Poetry

The Queen’s Castles, A Poem

Huachuca, Hood, Bragg, Benning, Leavenworth. Fields of snow, grass and desert sands forge the leader inside the wild flower, Caribbean heat fuels the warrior within. Camp Santiago, Allen, Buchanan, Muñiz. A distinguished career for the mother turned Colonel… Memories reside in these unassailable fortresses, The rest buried under speckled granite, Forever a mystery to the […]

Mrs Enginerd Poetry

Not all is lost

Anger,Fear,Anxiety,RageThe crushing blow of a reality without you makes me weak,dull,mad,violent. I crawl into a ball gripping tightly to memories that still remain,Wishing I was in your arms, peacefully unaware of the lifetime I will endure without you. Who will build me up when others tear me down?Who will love me unconditionally, without hesitation?Who will […]

F@%k Cancer Mrs Enginerd Poetry


ANGER. A flury of snow. The fury of a thousand calls and text that will never be sent or seen; The deep ire of learning to live an unchampioned life. The realization that the rotting flesh led to unresolved issues and excess emotional baggage because we couldn’t properly say goodbye. There you lie, Beyond the […]

F@%k Cancer Mrs Enginerd Poetry

Lost in Thought (Poem)

Memories. That’s all I see around me. The places I used to go. The person I used to be. I wander, as a stranger in my own land, letting each recollection guide me to a better place, To where childhood dreams were full of wonder; a time when everything was possible. Instead, what remains is […]

Mrs Enginerd Poetry

Don’t (Poem)

Don’t worry, work through it. Don’t fret, figure it out. Don’t cry, clap back harder. Don’t conform, challenge the status quo. Don’t stir the proverbial manure, fertilize ideas with it! Don’t sit there, weak and weary, become a warrior. Channel your energy; thrive. Soar. Make the impossible, possible. Don’t delegate to others the glory that […]

Adulting Mrs Enginerd Poetry

Take a Chance

Draw a line, cross it, Take a step or two, Color inside and outside the lines. Let the wonder, wander free. Go beyond the horizon, Take the plunge and dive right in! Be bold. Be brave. Be fierce. Let the world see you shine. All that is loved is not lost. All that is forgiven, […]