Adulting En español Etiquette


If the joke makes fun of someone, it’s not funny. If the well meaning conversation turns into ridicule, it’s not pleasant. If the game makes someone uncomfortable or ashamed, it’s not fun. We are in a constant state of evolution. What used to be acceptable in the past may not be in the future. Learn […]

Adulting Etiquette Mrs Enginerd

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

Weddings. Funerals. Baby showers. Meetings. Everything became virtual overnight. The rules of etiquette transmuted to the small screen. There were no excuses to skip events. No other means to maintain intimacy in a world ordered to stay at home. Mask mandates and reopening phases stood between the life we had and the life we led. […]

Adulting Etiquette Love and Marriage

Ask Away

Got a crush? Let them know you are interested. Need assistance? Tell those around you. Job sucks? Network to seek career opportunities. Don’t have a network? Cold call professionals in your interest areas to figure out next steps. Feeling alone? Reach out to support groups and alliances. Show up to a meeting or gathering. Missing […]

Adulting Etiquette Love and Marriage Mrs Enginerd

The Power or Dissent

Neyt. Nein. No. Nee. Non. La. Iie. Nu. Mana. Nej. Nay. The word no is not just an acceptable answer, it’s also a complete sentence. It’s unapologetic. Brave. Bold. Powerful. Saying no is an art form in and of itself because it requires discipline, courage and deliberate actionable follow through. You can’t back down after […]

Adulting Etiquette Love and Marriage Mrs Enginerd

The Subtle Power of Influence

We all have influence. Every interaction, every piece of advice we deal, shapes others in ways that forever change the course of history. From a polite greeting to a bad deed, our choices impact others, transforming life for better or worse. It is in these unforseen moments of kindness and cruelty that we touch and […]

Adulting Etiquette Love and Marriage Mrs Enginerd Weddings

Unrequited Sacrifices

Taking out the trash.Fighting inner demons.Folding laundry.Slaying online bosses.Humoring crazy in-laws.Buying the best pet food and treats.Ordering pizza sans your favorite toppings. There are so many things we reluctantly do, day in and day out, for those we love. Little things that take time and effort, and consume us to the point we forget we […]

Adulting Etiquette F@%k Cancer Mrs Enginerd

10 Things You Should Never Say or Do to a Terminally Ill Cancer Warrior and Their Family

Not sure what to say or do to a family battling cancer or any terminal illness? Look no further! After dealing with canned responses during my mom’s convalescence and funeral, I decided to put together a list of do’s and don’ts. It is our family’s hope that sharing these faux pas will avoid others pain, […]

Adulting Etiquette Love and Marriage Mrs Enginerd

Challenging for Challenging’s Sake

Unless you are a teenager testing boundaries to discover your path, or a person on a journey of self discovery in which all the correct answers were revealed to you by the gods themselves, stop challenging others just for kicks. Don’t contest because they don’t fit your mold of what an Anime fan should be […]

Adulting Etiquette Mrs Enginerd Nerd Stuff

Sharing is Caring: Facebook 101

Tired of seeing blank posts or reshares with no info? Have you ever wondered why this phenomenon is so prevalent in the social media giant’s platform? Wonder no more! Here’s how to help others avoid falling into the trap of posting out of context or incomplete messages to their newsfeed: View this post on Instagram […]

Etiquette F@%k Cancer Mrs Enginerd

A Poppy To Remember The Fallen?

This was my first memorial day without my mother. She didn’t die in combat or in the line of duty, and was fortunate to have retired a Colonel from the Puerto Rico Army National Guard. Her battle with cancer was a short one, and it was her warrior spirit, on and off the battlefield, that […]