Book Reviews MBA Chronicles: Class of 2019 Mrs Enginerd

The Goal by Eliyahu M Goldblatt

Operations management experts agree that to run a manufacturing production effort effectively you must understand how the products are designed and built to spot bottlenecks and flow issues. What sometimes we fail to see is that the metrics used to track and claim success are incorrect. If we focus on one dimension of the production […]

DIY Mrs Enginerd

$5/5 min Bookmark Wreath DIY

Last time I made a clothes pin wreath it was to raise funds during my layoff. At a cost of a whooping $5 bucks, the delta between the shipping charges and the profit margin weren’t enough to make this a viable handmade business venture. It was missing a wow factor. I set aside the rest […]

Book Reviews Comic Books and Super Heroes Mrs Enginerd Nerd Stuff Women Who Kick Ass In Gaming And Beyond Wonder Woman: 75 Years+ of Awesome

Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors: Superwomen in Modern Mythology (Review)

Jennifer K. Stuller takes us on a journey that features women in comics, literature and movies as vehicles to introduce and enhance the mythos of the strong female archetypes as they relate to modern times. Heroes and leads like Wonder Woman, Uhura, Ripley, Aeon Flux and Dorothy are some of the ladies that are discussed […]

Mrs Enginerd Travel

10 Ways To Entertain Your Kids While Wine Tasting

You see them everywhere, wine tasters hauling a carseat or stroller with a baby or toddler inside. For those less fortunate, the 3+ kids are in tow with sad faces and uncontrollable fits of “Can we go now?”. If you must tour wineries with children or simply would like to know how to entertain them […]

Mrs Enginerd Nerd Stuff TV Shows and Movies

Rogue One: A Prequel For The Hardcore Fans

Disney, being all powerful and omniscient, realized that The Force Awakens wasn’t going to please everyone so they decided on a gambit that will ensure most of the dejected fans will join the fold. Enter Rogue One. Based on stories that climax during the Rebel Alliance’s days, the narrative explains how Rogue Squadron came to […]

Mrs Enginerd Nerd Stuff STEM

10 Things To Do With Your Kids Arts And Sciences Style!

My best childhood memories include going to the theater matinee with my mom to watch a performance of my favorite tales and stories, days at the science and history museums and evenings at the art exhibits around town. My mother loved culture, the arts and sciences, never letting an opportunity to go to a festival […]